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Discord Reviews

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  1. Discord Reviews

    +rep as soon as my hands gripped disconect dot watafak my big fat shlong enlarged. it used to be 0.-1 inches now its 32894987234 gigga meters. I just broke up with my girlfriend just now because she said disconnect dot watafak wasnt important. So I took her family and made jew soup with all of them combined. ( it was mid, too much blood coming out). I still cant understand such statement of thy caliber. (its my last day with disconnect dot watafak and im currently on the verge of skinning my grandma alive). (Credit to 350 he told me to give credit or he would rape my cats till they split apart)
  2. Discord Reviews


    thank you for keeping the chain alive 🤝 everyone keep it going im giving free keys to those who keep it going
  3. Discord Reviews

    +rep as soon as my hands gripped disconect dot watafak my big fat shlong enlarged. it used to be 0.-1 inches now its 32894987234 gigga meters. I just broke up with my girlfriend just now because she said disconnect dot watafak wasnt important. So I took her family and made jew soup with all of them combined. ( it was mid, too much blood coming out). I still cant understand such statement of thy caliber. (its my last day with disconnect dot watafak and im currently on the verge of skinning my grandma alive). (Credit to 350 he told me to give credit or he would rape my cats till they split apart)
  4. +rep 3 black men broke into my house and shoved it in me -rep they didnt finish
  5. +rep as soon as my hands gripped disconect dot watafak my big fat shlong enlarged. it used to be 0.-1 inches now its 32894987234 gigga meters. I just broke up with my girlfriend just now because she said disconnect dot watafak wasnt important. So I took her family and made jew soup with all of them combined. ( it was mid, too much blood coming out). I still cant understand such statement of thy caliber. (its my last day with disconnect dot watafak and im currently on the verge of skinning my grandma alive). (Credit to 350 he told me to give credit or he would rape my cats till they split apart)
  6. Discord Reviews


    type shit
  7. Discord Reviews


    You’re absolutely right
  8. Discord Reviews


    +rep for @EFTK , The only non retarded support in the discord
  9. Discord Reviews


    better go use cheese on roblox
  10. Discord Reviews

    ! Tee

    Its only like this on force or game ipdates
  11. Discord Reviews


    Who cares for comp if it just doesn’t work lol
  12. bro r u fucking retarded, legit got 3 weeks for free
  13. **+rep **@chumpy 10/10
  14. Discord Reviews

    wha mi

    They comped 2 weeks and fixing problems so I'm ok with that, don't be a crybaby please
  15. @@Crashout +rep been really helpfull
  16. Discord Reviews

    ! Tee

    +rep sigma male @chumpy
  17. +rep bought day key nearly 2 weeks ago, still using same day key
  18. Discord Reviews


    +rep working for 2 hours also got 2 week comp total
  19. +rep agree with ^ went from 5 days to 11 very w. I see people having a lot of issues with bsod or esp and I have none so w.
  20. Discord Reviews


    +rep disconnect is a good product, support just lacks slightly. One thing I will say, I bought this on the 5th (Force wipe) and i still have over a week on my week key. DISCONNECT IS REAL FOR THAT
  21. Discord Reviews


    +rep @EFTK is carrying rn
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